Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Geocaching Trackables TravelFleas sightings - Cajun55's trip to Alaska

“Hello TravelFleas,
We are back home. Alaska is one cold place to visit in December. I am planning to go back in the summer. :) I cached at -14 degrees Fahrenheit.
Most of the people had not heard of travel fleas. There were about 20 people at the flash mob (GN64F1) and I only had 12 travel fleas with the event tracking code.
Should’a ordered more. :) :) This was done in the dark. Temp was -19 Fahrenheit and very windy….don’t know the chill factor. Do know that exposed skin hurt!
A story you will appreciate. My husband dropped a TF in a cache without attaching it to a TB. Someone found it and contacted me. They offered to attach it to a TB they were releasing. It was a pleasant lagniappe. I thought it would just sit somewhere gathering dust. oh, sorry….lagniappe is a little something extra, like the ink pen you included with my order.
In Alaska I rode thru a mountain, the tunnel was 2.5 miles long. there are two times when 2.5 miles is longer than anywhere else: walking to the gas station in freezing rainy weather, gas can in hand and when you are driving through a tunnel when you don’t know how long it is and it has a sign that says ” If light begins flashing get to the closest Safe House as quickly as possible. They have been having earthquakes lately. They are on a fault line. Boy did that sunlight at the end of the tunnel look good. Then yikes….we have to go back thru that tunnel to get home. But wait…the tunnel is only one lane wide and the walls are bare rock. That tunnel has three waiting lines. one going in each direction and a train.
And mountains….Anchorage sits in a bowl of mountains with water on one side. My son took me up on a mountain at night and Anchorage spread out before me a lit up. Have you see Los Angeles in the movies at night? It was like that. 180 degrees of lights. I had no idea how big Anchorage is. I had only seen the mountains in the eastern US, Maryland, PA, etc. I was born and raised in south Louisiana where the overpass on I-10 was as high as you got unless you were on a bridge. So I gazed on the mountains mouth gaping OMG! huge is too small a word.
There was snow on the ground but the only snow that fell was the three flakes I saw on the way to the airport. They were however under a blizzard warning so After I left they likely got that snow I kept looking for. But I got home to some snow on the ground…still none falling :)
Moose…I hear they are to Alaska like deer are to Maryland….plentiful and pesky. Well they must have heard that a Cajun was coming to town. I saw one moose and that one was in captivity. You know the saying a Cajun will eat anything that moves and somethings that don’t? Well I guess the moose must have :)
Alaska is off my bucket list, but I will definitely be going back because it will always be in my heart.
Shirley aka Cajun55
TravelFleas editor note:
Thank you CAJUN55 for sharing your amazing experience with us. We love to hear your Geocaching stories. Now how cool was that……no pun intended. Please let us share in your Geocaching and TravelFleas™ experiences. To see your Geocaching “TravelFleas™ Sighting” featured on our website, email your story and pictures to admin@travelfleas.com
Happy Geocaching from the Team at TravelFleas.com

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