Thursday, June 20, 2013

Historical Annapolis MD

A geocacher sent us this great shot near the cache “Acton Up” in Annapolis MD. They said this view is a very short walk from the cache and were able to remain inside the park near GZ to take the picture. The roots of American history abound in Annapolis. While walking in the footsteps of George Washington, you are also walking in the footsteps of other geocachers, as you absorb the scene in front of you from this iconic geocache. We would love to see your “View from a Geocache” featured on our website. Please email your story and pictures to

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Greek Sons, American Countrymen

A faithful TravelFleas™ follower sent us this “View from a Geocache” located in Tarpon Springs FL. while enjoying a great October day near the cache “Greek Sons, American Countrymen”. During their Geocache hunt, they took this picture of a monument dedicated to the local servicemen who made the ultimate sacrifice to their country. This park is located in Klosterman bayou and serves as the backdrop to the yearly Epiphany celebration. What a great place to have a Geocache!
We would love to see your “View from a Geocache” featured on Please email your story and pictures to

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

TravelFleas train for Extreme underwater Geocaching with Geocrashers

As progress moves forward through kickstarter to fund the pilot for the Extreme Geocaching TV show “Geocrashers”, TravelFleas have begun training for one of three possible pilot episodes. As described by producer Jon Racinskas, option 1 is called “Rainbow Thermal Vents”. “The team travel to Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal in search of a geocache that was placed beside a hydrothermal vent 1.2 miles below the surface of the North Atlantic. To get there they’ll need a Russian Mir submersible and a group of deep-water explorers. Along the way, they’ll learn about the unique life forms that inhabit one of the most extreme environments on the planet. (This cache has never been found in the ten years since it was placed.)”

The TravelFleas submarine captain shown here has spent numerous hours exploring the ocean, seeking new adventures, and all the while making plans to go “Along for the Ride”. We hope Jon plans on using a more substantial sub for his extreme geocaching adventure ;-)

If you would like to support Geocrashers and see a fun geocaching TV series, please visit ;