Thursday, May 30, 2013

TravelFleas supports Extreme Geocaching Television Pilot


To present extreme geocaching at it’s finest to the world, producer Jon Racinskas has issued the call to all geocachers to help get this TV pilot created, and out in front of network executives. TravelFleas met Jon at GeoWoodstock XI and were impressed with his passion for this project. Please view this link to kickstarter and see if you can lend a hand in getting this exciting new TV show off the ground, and into your Television. As Jon says on his kickstarter site; “Travel. Adventure. Science. History. Geocaching. It’s the travel show for adrenaline junkie nerds!” Geocrashers Kickstarter project

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Geocaching in the footsteps of Columbus - British Virgin Islands

Sand between your toes, cold drink in your hand, warm sun on your face with Caribbean breezes blowing through your hair, how could this get any better? Geocaching with TravelFleas, that’s how! A customer sent us this shot of their TravelFleas tag near the cache at the Bitter End Yacht Club in Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands named Cache Nap. Columbus sailed through here in 1493 on his second voyage to the new world. Now TravelFleas can claim to have passed through Columbus’s footsteps. Get your TravelFleas tags today and start your voyage of exploration.